All Mydoma plans come with basic access to the Mydoma Visualizer. For more functionalities, you can purchase the Visualiser Pro Add-On after joining.Includes Stripe, Quickbooks, Facebook, Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and thousands of integrations through Zapier.

WEbinar Recording

Simplifying Your Transition to Mydoma

with Sarah Daniele & Paxton Willard

Get the Recording

Embarking on a journey to a new project management platform shouldn’t be a stumbling block in realizing your project goals. We understand that designers often grapple with numerous questions and hesitations when it comes to changing their project management platform. This webinar will simplify this transition, helping you navigate through the perceived complexities with ease and confidence.

Event Highlights:

  • Expert-Led Demonstrations: Understand what data to transfer first through hands-on demonstrations.
  • Transition Timeline Guidance: Gain insights into how long the transition phase should ideally take, allowing you to plan accordingly.
  • Virtual Assistant Support: Learn how hiring a virtual assistant can facilitate a smoother transition process, freeing you up to focus on what you do best – designing!
  • Exclusive Features Showcase: Discover the extensive range of features and capabilities you will unlock when you transition to Mydoma.
Paxton Headshot

Paxton Willard is our beloved Designer Success Manager. With a childhood steeped in the vibrant world of design, thanks to her mother’s 16+ years as an interior designer, Paxton naturally developed a meticulous eye for detail.  Paxton has nurtured a rich, intuitive understanding of the industry and is eager to support designers in their transition to Mydoma.


Sarah Daniele is the CEO and co-founder of Mydoma Studio. Starting off her career as an interior designer, the first version of Mydoma Studio was built to fulfill a personal need.  But after some encouragement from friends and colleagues,  Sarah traded in swatches for shoulder pads, taking up the mantle of CEO and building up Mydoma Studio for the interior design industry. Sarah is passionate about building tools and technology to allow interior designers to grow their businesses.

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